Thursday, May 8, 2014

Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit

Accurate Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™
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Accurate endotoxin detection in plasma is impossible with current technologies.  Endotoxin is a highly negative and hydrophobic molecule, causing it to bind to many factors in the blood.  In addition, numerous blood components bind, activate and inactivate assay enzymes.  Here we describe the Endotoxin Sample Preparation (ESP™) kit which can be used to treat citrated human plasma and allow for accurate endotoxin quantitation in under 60 minutes.
Picture2 150x150 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation KitPicture3 150x150 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit
Endotoxins are lipopolysaccharides associated with gram-negative bacterial membranes that act as potent immunostimulatory molecules.  They have been implicated in a number of pathophysiological conditions and diseases.  The current accepted assay used by the pharmaceutical and medical device industry for endotoxin detection is based on the clotting of horseshoe crab blood.  This clotting scheme is comprised of a series of serine protease enzymes, initiated by Factor C, which are sequentially activated when endotoxin is present [1-3].  The most common form is the classic Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) assay which uses lysate directly from horseshoe crab blood.  More recently, a recombinant form of Factor C (rFC) has been developed allowing more defined assay conditions and circumventing the problem of relying on a wild species.  Both LAL and rFC assays are dependent on serine protease activity and have been developed for endotoxin quantitation via gelation, turbidity, or fluorescence in either end-point or kinetic versions.  However, using these assays for detection of endotoxin in biological samples is limited because they are affected by components in the blood.
The observation that factors in clinical samples inactivated the pyrogenic properties of endotoxin was first noticed in 1954 [4].  The prevailing explanation over the next decade was that the samples contained endotoxin-degrading enzymes.  A set of experiments published in 1966 again showed that endotoxin incubated with human plasma lowered pyrogenic effects in the rabbit fever test.  However, by using a protease digestion procedure followed by ethanol precipitation researchers were able to restore pyrogenic activity and reverse inhibitory effects [5].  This showed that the majority of endotoxin inhibition was due to complex formation with molecules in the blood.  In the intervening years, specific blood components have been discovered which bind and inactivate endotoxin, alter aggregate formation, interfere with the enzymatic LAL and rFC assays, or even destroy endotoxin.  Serine proteases involved in the blood coagulation cascade can activate LAL.  Amidases, plasmin, thrombin and urokinase can cleave chromogenic substrates in certain LAL assays.  Bilirubin can bind and inactivate these same substrates as well as endotoxin [6].  Esterases can directly cleave and inactivate endotoxin [7].  High- and low-density lipoproteins and apolipoprotein A1 bind endotoxin and can decrease activity by 40% [8].  Other studies have shown that lipoproteins in normal blood can inactivate 100 endotoxin units per milliliter [9].  Cationic proteins such as lysozyme, ribonuclease A, IgG and hemoglobin are known to make electrostatic interactions with endotoxin and impair detection by LAL assays [10].  Other proteins such as lipopolysaccharide-biding protein (LBP), serum amyloid A (SAA), bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein (BPI), soluble CD-14 and cholesterol ester transport protein have been shown to behave similarly [11-13].  Cytokine expression has shown that lactoferrin can diminish the physiological response to endotoxin [14].  Lastly, studies have shown that up to 92% of endotoxin in clinical samples may be bound to platelets in a process facilitated by Lipid A-associated proteins [15-16].  This is similar to a report showing that plasma components have the ability to neutralize 95% of endotoxin activity [17].  Difficulties of endotoxin detection in blood-derived samples are widespread in the literature.  One study using cytokine ELISA as control showed 500-fold variations in LAL results [18].  Similar studies showed problems detecting endotoxin in bacteremia patients [19-22].  Other researchers have reported difficulties measuring endotoxin in clinical samples with about 30% recovery in serum and less than 60% in plasma [23-24] Heat inactivation can remove some of the enzymatic activity in plasma but proteins still remain that bind endotoxin or act as substrate inhibitors.  Also, heat-treatment alone has several inherent issues.  Heating causes morphological changes in fibrinogen [6], lipoproteins [7] and platelets [16] which can alter the interactions of endotoxin and cause both false positives and altered binding.  Heat-treated samples have variability in excess of 100% [7].  Usually heat-inactivation is accompanied by sample dilution.  However, this is problematic due to the binding nature of endotoxin.  Endotoxins have a net negative charge at physiological pH due to two phosphate groups on the disaccharide.  In addition, endotoxins contain long hydrophobic fatty acids chains.  Therefore, any molecule with a positive charge or containing a hydrophobic region may
bind to endotoxin.  Often this binding is too strong to be diluted out or removed with heat or extraction.  Because of these difficulties the more suitable method is inactivation and enzymatic degradation of the interfering molecules.
To solve these issues BioDtech, Inc. has developed the Endotoxin Sample Preparation (ESP™) kit.  ESP™ is a plasma sample treatment kit that combines heat-inactivation, pH shift, and enzymatic degradation to remove the interfering factors in plasma.  The protease cocktail in ESP™ contains no serine proteases that would interfere with the LAL and rFC enzyme cascades, requires no special divalent cation conditions and typically produces testable plasma samples in less than 60 minutes.  ESP™ treatment requires only minimal dilution and is therefore suitable for detecting low levels of endotoxin.

Materials and Methods

Supplies.  Endotoxin detection and quantitation was performed  according to manufacturer’s specifications with and without 1 EU/ml positive product controls (PPC) to validate assay reliability.  The assay has a range of detection from 0.01 to 10 EU/ml.  Hemoglobin (bovine erythrocytes) was purchased from Calbiochem (La Jolla, CA).  Endotoxin was purchased from List Biological Laboratories, Inc. (Campbell, CA) in the form of Escherichia coli O55:B5 lipopolysaccharide or prepared in the lab by heat lysis of E. coli N99 or Salmonella enterica Typhimurium LT2 strains.  Rabbit plasma was obtained from project rabbits maintained by Capralogics (Harwick, MA).  Human plasma was obtained from control patients by Innovative Research (Novi, MI) and Bioreclamation (Westbury, NY).

ESP™ Protocol.  The ESP™ kit consists of ESP™ Buffer #1, ESP™ Buffer #2, ESP™ Protease Solution, and ESP™ Assay Control Buffer.  All experiments were performed with the following protocol.  The plasma sample was heated in a 60˚C water bath for 30 minutes.  Next, 30 µl of the sample was mixed with 270 µl ESP™ Buffer #1 and 30 µl of ESP™ Protease Solution and incubated in a shaking 37˚C water bath for 30-180 minutes.  After digestion, 50 µl was mixed with 450 µl ESP™ Buffer #2 and tested with the Lonza PyroGene® assay according to manufacturers specification.  To maintain consistent buffer conditions the standards, blanks, and controls were prepared in ESP™ Assay Control Buffer.  Any deviations from this protocol are indicated in the text.

Polyacrylamide Gel Electrophoresis (PAGE).  PAGE analysis was performed to monitor correlation of endotoxin detection with protein degradation.  For PAGE analysis, 20 µl of the undiluted digestion sample was added to a mixture containing 45 µl endotoxin-free water, 10 µl 5 mM DTT, and 25 µl CBS Scientific (Del Mar, CA) ClearPAGE™ 4x Sample Buffer (additional water replaced DTT for non-reducing electrophoresis).  This sample was heated in a 70°C water bath for 10 minutes and 17 µl was loaded into a CBS Scientific ClearPAGE 10-20% TEO-CI SDS Gel submerged in CBS Scientific ClearPAGE 1x Tris-Tricine-SDS Run Buffer (Reducing or Non-Reducing) and electrophoresed at 200 Volts for 45 minutes with a current gradient from 60 to 30 mA.  All gels were silver stained using Sigma (St. Louis, MO) ProteoSilver™ Silver Stain Kit according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Enzymatic Digestion of Blood Proteins
We have previously shown that endotoxin can be bound and masked by common proteins like hemoglobin [25].  Hemoglobin makes up 32-36% of whole blood in healthy patients and demonstrates the difficulties in detecting endotoxin in blood products.  Ultrafiltration, density centrifugation, ethanol precipitation and non-denaturing PAGE experiments have demonstrated the affinity of hemoglobin for endotoxin [26-27].  By digesting samples of hemoglobin with our EndoPrep™ technology we have demonstrated the ability to remove interfering blood components for endotoxin detection.  In the example below, the purchased hemoglobin contained approximately 330 EU/mg without treatment.  Treatment with EndoPrep™ for 30 minutes degraded nearly all of the hemoglobin dimer and tetramer populations (Fig 1B) and increased endotoxin detection to 560 EU/mg (Fig 1A).  This pattern continued over the 120 minute digestion time course with maximal recovery of 850 EU/mg.  These experiments, along with others involving blood proteins such as albumin, immunoglobulins and transferrin [25], demonstrate the potential of using a digestion protocol in conjunction with other various blood treatments to accurately detect endotoxin in human blood plasma.
Picture5 300x149 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit
Enzymatic Digestion of Blood Plasma Samples
After establishing the ability to digest and remove some of the most prevalent blood components that interfere with endotoxin detection, the next step was to demonstrate that digestion was possible on samples of blood plasma.  The initial step was to use EndoPrep™ technology to digest control blood from rabbits.  Samples of plasma were diluted in the EndoPrep™ digestion buffer and digested according  to product protocol [25].  Since EndoPrep™  is only active in acidic conditions, and physiological pH is about 7.4, it was assumed that the less dilute samples may have problems with complete digestion due to incompatible buffer conditions.  However, the higher dilutions should have a more suitable pH and allow digestion.  The results show that dilutions up to 1:10 showed little difference between the treated and untreated samples.  This may be partially due to protein overload.  At dilutions of 1:25 and 1:50 there is a distinct difference in protein content in the treated samples.  There is a digestion band just above the EndoPrep™ band that is clearly visible in the 1:10 and 1:25 dilutions.  This may indicate a fragment of IgG and demonstrate digestion.  If so, this is not seen in the lower dilutions and indicates that these samples have incomplete digestion due to high pH.  Supporting this line of thought, the pH in the samples diluted 1:5 or less have a pH above 6.0 while the samples diluted 1:10 or more have a pH in the 4.5-5.0 range.  These results suggest that it is possible to remove the majority of protein in plasma with dilution and digestion.

Even though the experiments with EndoPrep™ were very successful in digesting blood components, these samples were still not amenable for endotoxin testing using the traditional LAL or rFC assays.  To achieve this we developed a specialized plasma digestion system which incorporates enzymatic digestion, heat-inactivation, pH shift and divalent cations.  We have named this technology the BioDtech, Inc. Endotoxin Sample Preparation (ESP™) Kit and describe it below.

BioDtech, Inc. Endotoxin Sample Preparation (ESP™) Kit
Summarily, ESP™ works as follows.  A sample of citrated plasma is heat-inactivated at 60-65˚C for 30 minutes.  Next, the plasma is diluted 1:10 in the special low pH ESP™ Buffer #1.  This buffer acidifies the plasma, causing inactivation of neutral and alkaline enzymes and preparing it for digestion with the ESP™ Protease Solution.  ESP™ Buffer #1 also contains divalent cations to chelate interfering anticoagulants.  After a 30-180 minute digestion at 37˚C, the sample is then prepared in ESP™ Buffer #2 for detection with an rFC assay.  ESP™ Buffer #2 is specially formulated to not interfere with LAL-based assays and to  adjust the sample pH to an optimum level.  Lastly, ESP™ Assay Control Buffer is provided to prepare all samples, blanks, and controls.  Since endotoxin detection assays are sensitive to differences in buffer type, cation concentration and pH, using this control buffer will ensure the most accurate results.Picture6 150x150 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit
To test ESP™, ten (10) control citrated human plasma samples (five (5) male, five (5) female) were spiked  with a known amount of endotoxin, treated with the full ESP™ protocol and tested in triplicate using the Lonza PyroGene® assay according to manufacturer’s specifications.  In addition, each treated sample was tested with a Positive Product Control (PPC), also according to manufacturer’s specifications.  The spike recovery indicates the effectiveness of ESP™ in detecting endotoxin in human plasma samples.  The PPC recovery indicates the amenability of the final product for detection.  To measure recovery, the results were compared to control samples that included water instead of plasma but were otherwise identical.  The entire sample set was also treated with two additional protocols for comparison:  first, a set was heat-inactivated and diluted but without using the ESP™ buffers.  The other protocol involved the ESP™ enzymatic digestion step but without heat-inactivation.  The results are given in Table 1.
A protocol of heat-inactivation and dilution, which is prevalent in the literature, produces less than 5% of the spiked endotoxin and a PPC recovery indicating over 80% inaccuracy.  Alternatively, when the samples are digested without heat-inactivation the spike recovery is far too high, a result of active serine proteases that interfere with assay enzymes.  This false-activation results in near-saturation of the assay and artificially low PPC recovery results that indicate inaccuracy of over 60%.  When these two technologies are combined and the specially designed ESP™ buffers are used, spike recovery is over 75% with an accuracy approaching 90%.
To further validate these results, samples of citrated plasma were treated with various portions of the ESP™ protocol and tested with PAGE analysis (Figure 3).  Lane #1 contains untreated plasma.  Lane #2 contains plasma treated with the full ESP™ protocol with a 60 minute digestion step.  Lanes #3 and 4 contain plasma that was treated with the ESP™ protocol but using common laboratory buffers instead of ESP™ Buffers #1 and #2.  Lane #5 contains plasma that was heat-inactivated but undigested. Picture7 1024x187 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit From these results it is clear that the full ESP™ protocol effectively removes the vast majority of proteins from plasma that interfere with endotoxin detection assays or bind and mask endotoxin.  Treatments that omit the ESP™ buffers or digestion step show only negligible differences compared to untreated plasma.

ESP™ Treatment Does Not Significantly Alter Endotoxin Activity
Picture8 108x300 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit
To establish that ESP™ treatment does not affect the potency of endotoxin, and therefore result in artificially high recovery, samples from a stock endotoxin solution were treated with the ESP™ protocol and the activity was compared.  A sample of 100 EU/ml endotoxin was prepared in ESP™ Buffer #1.  Aliquots of ESP™ Protease Solution were added to a final concentration of 10% volume and allowed to digest at 37°C for up to 120 minutes.  Two series of experiments were included.  One contained the concentration of ESP™ Protease Solution included in the kit (3.5 units/ml).  A second series was tested using 10-fold higher amounts of enzyme (35 units/ml). All samples were then diluted in ESP™ Buffer #2 and tested using the Lonza PyroGene® assay.  Mock digestions that were not incubated are included.  The results were standardized and expressed as percent of standard.  Figure 4 shows that regardless of the amount of protease solution added or digestion time, there was little change in endotoxin detection.  All three reactions had about a 5% increase, which is significantly less than the increases over untreated samples.  Actually, this small increase demonstrates the utility of the proposed system.  The stock solution from List Biologics (Campbell, CA) was prepared using the Westphal & Jann [28] method which leaves small amounts of contaminating protein

Treatment of the stock with ESP™ removes this protein which “unmasks” the endotoxin and gives a more accurate measurement.

Pre-Treatment of Plasma Prior to ESP™

Though ESP™ is very effective at removing most interfering components in plasma, we have demonstrated that these factors can enzymatically inactivate or irreversibly bind endotoxin during the time between sample collection and ESP™ treatment.  Therefore, for optimal quantitation measures should be taken to inactivate plasma components as soon as possible.  This can be achieved through heat-inactivation or acidificaion.Picture9 203x300 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit


As discussed, heat-inactivation is important to remove interfering factors in plasma.  However, a lag time between sample collection and treatment can allow enzymatic destruction of endotoxin or the binding of endotoxin to proteins which will decrease the ability to detect total endotoxin.  One option to prevent this is to heat-inactivate blood immediately at the time of collection.  In this scenario, the protocol should be altered so that the whole blood is collected, heat-inactivated, plasma separated and then diluted in ESP™ Buffer #1.  The normal protocol would be followed from here.

To demonstrate the extent of inactivation an aliquot of endotoxin was added to citrated plasma samples and allowed to incubate at room temperature for the indicated amount of time.  As comparison, a plasma sample that was heat-inactivated according to the protocol was treated identically.    After incubation all samples were treated with the normal ESP™ protocol.  The control was considered as 100% of recoverable endotoxin and the samples given as percentage of control.  After only one minute in plasma active endotoxin was decreased to 45% of the control.  Continued incubation in the plasma further decreased the amount of recoverable endotoxin to 31% after a 120 minute incubation.  Though this extent of inactivation may not be typical of all patient samples or endotoxin species, it demonstrates the importance of rapid sample treatment.

pH Inactivation

The other option to prevent endotoxin inactivation is acidification.  However, adding acid to whole blood will result in hemolysis, therefore this method should only be used on plasma.  To demonstrate this, aliquots of hydrochloric acid (HCl) representing 10% of the final volume were added to samples of citrated plasma and allowed to equilibrate.  Next, the pH of the plasma was measured and a known amount of endotoxin was added.  The samples were incubated at room temperature for 10 minutes and then treated with the ESP™ protocol.  All samples were compared to a control consisting of the same amount of endotoxin prepared in water.  Samples receiving water instead of HCl measured as pH 8 and resulted in the recovery of 11.0% of the endotoxin.  Addition of 0.1 and 0.3 M HCl decreased the pH to the 6-7 range and actually resulted in slightly lower endotoxin recovery.  These samples also had a tendency to desolubilize and probably indicate the isoelectric point of a major plasma protein.  Further acidification with 0.6 to 2.0 M HCl resulted in decreasing pH accompanied by increasing endotoxin recovery.  The sample receiving 2 M HCl measured 93.6% of the total endotoxin.Picture10 226x300 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit

These results highlight the heat- and acid-sensitive components in plasma that inactivate endotoxin. Extreme care that should be taken when collecting and preparing biological samples for endotoxin detection.Picture11 220x300 Endotoxin Detection in Human Plasma With ESP™ Sample Preparation Kit

Endotoxin detection in complex solutions can be problematic and inaccurate.  The epitome of this is measuring endotoxin in blood products.  Here, the problem of detection has been investigated and a novel solution has been provided with ESP™.  In summary, blood plasma samples are prepared in a specialized low pH buffer, digested with an enzyme mixture designed to be compatible with LAL-based assays, and finally prepared in a second buffer for detection at neutral pH.  The ESP™ protocol typically requires less than 60 minutes and increases endotoxin detection 15-fold over common heat/dilution protocol.  Endotoxin recovery using ESP™ is usually over 75% of total endotoxin with PPC recovery exceeding 80%.  These results make detection with ESP™ the most accurate, sensitive and reliable reported.


1. Levin, J. and F.B. Bang.  1964.  The role of endotoxin in the extracellular coagulation of Limulus blood.  Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.  115: 265-274.
2. Levin, J. and F.B. Bang.  1964.  A description of cellular coagulation in the Limulus.  Bull. Johns Hopkins Hosp.  115: 337-345.
3. Levin, J. and F.B. Bang.  1968.  Clottable protein in Limulus:  its localization and kinetics of its coagulation by endotoxin.  Thromb. Diath. Haemorrh.  19: 186-197.
4. Hegemann, F.  1954.  The significance of blood serum for the formation and inhibition of bacterial agents in man.  II. Neutralizing effect of human serum on E. coli endotoxin.  Z. Immunitatsforsch. Allerg. Klin. Immunol.  111(3): 213-225.
5. Rudbach, J.A. and A.G. Johnson.  1966.  Alteration and restoration of endotoxin activity after complexing with plasma proteins.  J. Bacteriol.  92(4): 892-898.
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10. Petsch, D., W.D. Deckwer and F.B. Anspach.  1998.  Proteinase K digestion of proteins improves detection of bacterial endotoxin by Limulus amebocyte lysate assay: Applications for endotoxin removal from cationic peptides.  Anal. Biochem.  259: 42-47.
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Monday, January 20, 2014

Hyglos endotoxin detection presentations and visit our trade show booths during 2014

This year Hyglos celebrates 5 successful years as a company dedicated to the Research & Development for improved endotoxin detection!

Attend to Hyglos scientific presentations and visit our trade show booths during 2014:

PDA Europe Pre-Conference Workshop on Bacterial Endotoxin Testing with a focus on Biopharmaceuticals - moderated by Dr. Wolfgang Mutter, Hyglos
February 17, Berlin (Germany)

PDA Europe Conference on Pharmaceutical Microbiology 2014
February 18-19, Berlin (Germany)

Aktuelle Trends bei Endotoxin- und Pyrogentests
March 26-27, Mannheim (Germany)

April 1-4, Munich (Germany)

PDA Annual Meeting
April 7-9, San Antonio (USA)

Bio Korea 2014
May 28-30, Kintex (Korea)

June 11-13, Rimini (Italy)

BIO International Convention
June 23-26, San Diego (USA)

The Bioprocessing Summit 2014
August 18-22, Boston (USA)

Scanlab 2014
September 9-11, Copenhagen (Denmark)

September 30-October 1, Frankfurt (Germany)

BioJapan 2014
October 15-17, Yokohama (Japan)

PDA 9th Annual Global Conference on Pharmaceutical Microbiology
October 20-22, Bethesda (USA)

PharmaLab 2014
November 14-15, Düsseldorf (Germany)


Monday, January 6, 2014

Innovative Endotoxin Removal in Biomanufacturing Processes

EndoTrap HD® manufactured by Hyglos GmbH (former Profos AG) is a new revolutionary tool especially designed to meet the needs of pharma and biotech industry for the efficient removal of endotoxins in biomanufacturing processes. EndoTrap® HD fulfils all requirements for industrial applications, and it can easily be integrated in/at early or late-stage purification processes of biological substances such as proteins, drugs, antibodies, or vaccines.

Endotoxins (lipopolysaccharides, LPS) are major contaminants found in commercially available proteins or biologically active substances. LPS are highly potent immune stimulators able to cause side effects in host organisms such as endotoxin shock, tissue injury, and even death. Due to these reactions, it is essential to remove LPS from injectable drugs and other biological as well as pharmaceutical products,
Purification very often represents the most time consuming and cost intensive step of the whole production process. Therefore optimization of the downstream process is essential in order to achieve time and cost efficiency. Generally, high LPS concentrations can be reduced to about 100 EU/mL without special treatment, but many applications require an even lower-limit value as described within the pharmacopoeia — e.g., 5 endotoxin units (1 EU ≈ 100 pg) per kilogram of body weight per hour for intravenous applications.

New Solution for Endotoxin Removal
Reducing the LPS level to <1 ng/mg (10 EU/mg) is a very difficult task, particularly without a significant loss of target substance. Frequently, LPS removal (e.g., from protein solutions) is insufficient with non–LPS-specific standard methods such as ultrafiltration (disadvantage: not suitable for large proteins), ion-exchange chromatography (disadvantages: possibly high loss of protein due to negatively charged proteins; reduced LPS removal efficiency due to positively charged proteins, two-phase extraction (disadvantage: traces of detergents interfere with high-resolution mass spectrometry, interact with eukaryotic cell membranes and have toxic effects). Only methods with the highest LPS removal capacity combined with excellent recovery rates of the target substances are acceptable. EndoTrap® HD meets all these specific requirements, and is highly suitable as a final polishing step to remove all remaining LPS contaminations.

EndoTrap® HD Features
  • Highly specific and efficient LPS capture from complex mixtures
  • Average sample/protein recovery >95%
  • Compatible with commonly used buffer additives and high-salt conditions
  • Excellent chromatographic characteristics (reusable 10 times)
  • Low ligand leakage (comparable to leakage of protein A from purification columns)
  • Ligand leakage monitoring with Hyglos Leakage ELISA
  • Available Regulatory Support File (RSF); neither cytotoxic nor immunomodulatory effects of the EndoTrap® HD components were observed.

About Hyglos GmbH
Hyglos’ core competency is to exploit the principles of bacteriophage biology and expert use of proprietary phage–protein technology for pharmaceutical, diagnostic, and research applications.

Mycoplasma Detection Simplified by Endotoxin Testing Solutions

Mycoplasma detection is often difficult due to its lack of visable appearance, therefore it can be afflicting your valuable cell and affecting your results without your knowledge. Cells contaminated by mycoplasma species can have changes in proliferation, metabolism, gene synthesis and processing, and even adhersion properties. The solution for quick and easy mycoplasma detection is Endotoxin Testing Solution's PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit. The PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit allows for fast and reliable identification of mycoplasma contamination in cell cultures.  Mycoplasma DNA in the cell culture supernatant is amplified via PCR and visualized using gel electrophoresis. In addition to the short detection process (less than 2 hours), the easy handling and high sensitivity makes this PCR Mycoplasma Detection Kit a convenient tool for routine examination of cell cultures and media

mycoplasma detection
-direct addition of cell culture supernatant to PCR reaction -- no DNA isolation/purification steps required.
-ready-to-use primer mix  — reduces variability.
-able to detect numerous mycoplasma species – high sensitivity.
-included positive control to verify negative results.
-rapid results in 2 hours.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Evaluation of the endotoxin binding efficiency of clay minerals using the Limulus-Amebocyte lysate test: an in vitro study

Evaluation of the endotoxin binding efficiency of clay minerals using the Limulus-Amebocyte lysate test: an in vitro study

Simone Schaumberger, Andrea Ladinig, Nicole Reisinger, Mathias Ritzmann and Gerd Schatzmayr

Endotoxins are part of the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria. They are potent immune stimulators and can lead to death if present in high concentrations. Feed additives, which bind endotoxins in the gastrointestinal tract of animals, could help to prevent their negative impact. The objective of our study was to determine the potential of a bentonite (Bentonite 1), a sodium bentonite (Bentonite 2), a chemically treated smectite (Organoclay 1) and a modified attapulgite (Organoclay 2) to bind endotoxins in vitro. Polymyxin B served as positive control. The kinetic chromogenic Limulus Amebocyte lysate test was adapted to measure endotoxins. Firstly, a single sorption experiment (10 endotoxin units/mL (EU/mL)) was performed. Polymyxin B and organoclays showed 100% binding. Secondly, the adsorption efficiency of sorbents in aqueous solutions with increasing endotoxin concentrations (2,450 - 51,700 EU/mL) was investigated. Organoclay 1 (0.1%) showed a good binding efficiency in aqueous solution (average 81%), whereas Bentonite 1 (0.1%) obtained a lower binding efficiency (21-54%). The following absorbent capacities were calculated in highest endotoxin concentration: 5.59 mg/g (Organoclay 1) > 3.97 mg/g (Polymyxin B) > (Organoclay 2) > 1.55 mg/g (Bentonite 1) > 1.23 mg/g (Bentonite 2). Thirdly, a sorption experiment in artificial intestinal fluid was conducted. Especially for organoclays, which are known to be unspecific adsorbents, the endotoxin binding capacity was significantly reduced. In contrast, Betonite 1 showed comparable results in artificial intestinal fluid and aqueous solution. Based on the results of this in vitro study, the effect of promising clay minerals will be investigated in in-vivo trials.

AMB Express 2014, 4:1  doi:10.1186/2191-0855-4-1
Published: 2 January 2014

Recombinant Factor C Technology in Endotoxin Detection - EndoLISA® & End...

ICH Guideline Q4B Annex 14: Bacterial Endotoxins Test

ICH guideline Q4B Annex 14 to note for evaluation and recommendation of pharmacopoeial texts for use in the ICH regions on bacterial endotoxins tests – general chapter has been adopted by the European Medicines Agency.

The document allows for Ph.Eur. 2.6.14. Bacterial Endotoxins, JP 4.01 Bacterial Endotoxins Test, and USP General Chapter <85> Bacterial Endotoxins Test, can be used as interchangeable in the ICH regions. The proviso is that the gel-clot test remains the reference test.

Furthermore, the USP, JP, and Ph.Eur. reference standards are considered interchangeable as they have been suitably calibrated against the WHO (World Health Organization) International Standard for Endotoxin.